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Call for Submissions

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(Photo: Truth Thomas © 2024)

Genocide Anonymous: Poems Against Israel’s Eradication of the Palestinian People

The Skinny Poetry Journal (TSPJ) is calling for poems that: champion the equal human value of Israelis and Palestinians, speak out regarding the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, speak up for an immediate ceasefire in the context of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and decry Israel’s ongoing genocidal campaign targeting the Palestinian people.

This call is wed to the awareness that addictions to mass murder, evidenced by any nation, should never be enabled in global trap houses of silence. To that end, TSPJ seeks Skinnys and short poems on the subject in question--well-crafted poems, courageous poems, work that edifies humanity and the enduring currency of peace. Up to five poems can be submitted for publishing consideration by emailing them to our editorial team at, attached as a single .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf or .txt file.  

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This call is open-ended.

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(Photo: Truth Thomas © 2024)

General Submissions: 

The Skinny Poetry Journal (TSPJ) is also calling for poems, Skinnys or otherwise, that honor the great electric slide and dance of friction that is life--especially poems that reverence the vital living pulse of all people--all colors, all Latinx familia, all English flowered furious fam--all LBGQT+ pens, BIPOC notepads, all faiths--or lack thereof--all politics, all homo sapiens hooked on the composition of finely-crafted work imbued with unapologetic authenticity. Up to five poems can be submitted for publishing consideration by emailing them to our editorial team at, attached as a single .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf or .txt file.  

Submit to:

This call is open-ended.

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